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When someone does something that they know that they shouldn't do, did they really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. You can take two people, present them with the same fork in the road, and one is going to have an easier time than the other choosing the right path.

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Article Body:
When someone does something that they know that they shouldn't do, did they really have a choice. Maybe what I mean to say is did they really have a chance. You can take two people, present them with the same fork in the road, and one is going to have an easier time than the other choosing the right path.

Is there such a thing as the right path? You could argue back and forth with God and Evolution and such topics. The side that you take in an arguement like that might lead you to think that you know the meaning to life. How can we really know though. At least up until now there isn't and 100% proof to either side. If God was a gaurantee - why would he leave so many of us here to die, without the information or say it as proof that we individually would have needed to make that choice? If Evolution was a gaurantee - why would there be two thousand years of person to person proof that Jesus walked on Earth? We've already seen alot of weird things happen in our lifetime, and I think that we will see alot more. Our world is too much of an unstable place, and as time grows on we just grow out further. Every Civilization has fallen. How long do you think we have? Look at America. We're built on a pretty rough foundation. Events like the Hurricanes, have humbled us, and showed us how vulnerable we are to things we can't avoid. Our entire economy is built on Oil, and we are feeling the effects of the instability in the Oil world. Will the next war be over oil. Was the last one?

The Persian Gulf has over half of the word's oil sitting underneath it, but they can't seem to get their act together above the surface. The United States is the larget consumer of Oil, and they only have 3% of the world's oil reserves. How long can they go on, being so dependent on Oil, and borrowing as much as they do. Well into the Trillions, the US is the world's largest debtor. That makes me wonder where all that money is coming from. The 30's showed us what happens when the markets collapse. Are we smart enough to keep our economy going in the 00's? I don't think so. Not when we have monkeys like Bush kicking about. Not to pick on him in particular but here are some funny links:

One of the funniest films of 2004, Mean Girls ranks among some of the best high school comedies of all time. Right up there with Clueless, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, and American Pie, Mean Girls has some of the most hilarious comic scenes of the decade. Written by Saturday Night Live mainstay Tina Fey (who also stars as a teacher in the film), Mean Girls is supposed to chronicle some of the author's personal experiences in the social world of academics. Irrespective of its...

mean girls dvd review

Article Body:
One of the funniest films of 2004, Mean Girls ranks among some of the best high school comedies of all time. Right up there with Clueless, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, and American Pie, Mean Girls has some of the most hilarious comic scenes of the decade. Written by Saturday Night Live mainstay Tina Fey (who also stars as a teacher in the film), Mean Girls is supposed to chronicle some of the author's personal experiences in the social world of academics. Irrespective of its similarities to real life, Mean Girls is a light-hearted comedy with likeable characters, and it's just plain funny…

Lindsay Lohan plays Cady Heron, a previously home-schooled, sixteen year old daughter of two world-traveling anthropologists. When her parents decide to settle down, Cady attends public school for the first time in her life. While there, she befriends social outcasts Janis Ian (Lizzy Caplan) and Damian (Daniel Franzese) who tell her all about the inner-workings of their high school. Cady learns about The Plastics, a group of three girls who compose the social elites of the school. The previous beneficiary of Plastics leader Regina's wrath, Janis longs for the day when she can exact revenge on her former best friend from eighth grade.

When The Plastics - Regina George (Rachel McAdams), Gretchen Wieners (Lacey Chabert), and Karen Smith (Amanda Seyfried) - take a liking to Cady and give her an exclusive invitation to eat lunch with them, Janis sees her opportunity for revenge. She concocts a plan to send Cady into the world of The Plastics as an "undercover agent," and together, Cady, Janis, and Damian work to dig up dirt on the girls. However, the line between pretend and reality starts to blur for Cady, souring her relationship with Janis. And Cady's affection for Regina's former boyfriend Aaron (Jonathan Bennett) threatens to create a permanent chasm between the two girls… Throw in a showdown between two groups of math-letes, and you've got yourself quite a movie!

As the lead character, Cady, Lindsay Lohan portrays a very likeable person, an intelligent, sweet girl who experiences her first foray into the world of public school. The audience's ability to identify with and like Cady makes it easier to enjoy a film where she alienates two groups of high school clicks and virtually everyone else around her. Meanwhile, Rachel McAdams (rising Hollywood star and lead from The Notebook) is brilliant in her performance as the socially aggressive, backstabbing Regina George.

Mean Girls is a classic Darwinian high school comedy, similar to the hit TV show Freaks And Geeks, except with a little less edge. If you enjoyed the high school comedy films of the 1980's, like Can't Buy Me Love, then you'll thoroughly enjoy Mean Girls. With a well-written screenplay and supporting appearances by Saturday Night Live regulars Tina Fey and Tim Meadows, Mean Girls is a hilarious comedy and a definite must-see film…

Overture or now known as Yahoo because of Yahoo’s takeover, was the original inventor of the use of the P4P or Pay for Performance. Overture saw that the internet was fast becoming the easiest and most convenient way to shop, and advertising was going to hit at an all time high because of the many businesses in the arena.

To get a person to go to a site than others, it needs to be very visible. Providing ads that could direct potential consumers and costumers to their site would allow them to have an increase in traffic as well as sales. Yahoo provides a service that can put a site or company’s ad in their sites that can be shown when certain keywords are inputted.

Yahoo offers a chance for any company to increase their traffic by using their services. With more people being aware of your site, there would be more traffic and visitors to your site given the chance to view your pages as well as your products. With even a small percentage of successful sales, with a high traffic volume this could still be a substantial figure for your company.

Getting a consistent substantial flow of website visitors is every company’s goal. Many methods are devised and utilized to ensure that there would be more people to boost the sales and to be aware of the existence of such a product or service. Website visitors are potentially the life blood of your internet based business.

Yahoo/Overture utilizes the same principle as Google’s Adwords. In fact, they are very similar to each other that they use keyword and keyword phrase searches and to determine which ads to show per search. When a person types in a keyword or keyword phrase to search for anything, the search engines gives out the results in a page. Then at the right side of the page, you will see selected ads that have paid for their ads to be viewed with certain keywords and keyword phrases searched.

For example, Lets say you run a car parts retail/wholesale site. You choose keywords that can prompt or trigger your ads to be shown in the page when a keyword is searched. When a search engine user types in Honda Accord, your ad may come up if you have designated that as one of your keywords. You don’t need to fully optimize your site with Search Engine Optimization methods and techniques.

While some labor so hard to make their site one of the high ranking sites per keyword search, you get the chance to be on the top of the list or at least in the first page of a search result increasing your chance to be clicked on. With that, you drive traffic and website visitors to your site a lot faster.

You will have to pony up some cash when using this service though. There are different ways Yahoo/Overture will charge you. It may be in the number of Keywords or Keyword phrases your ad uses or in the many times your ad is clicked on. Others offer many other services like having your ad show up not only in the search engine pages but also with some third party sites.

Third party sites support ads that have the same theme or niche as them. With more areas your ad is shown, you increase the chances of people knowing about your site or product. With more website visitors you increase the sales of your site which makes your investment with your ads a wise one.

With so many competitions in the internet based businesses, it is necessary to take a huge leap forward from the pack by advertising. Yahoo/Overture will be a great place to start. Many have utilized their services and have reaped the rewards of this decision. It’s a marketing strategy that will increase your website visitors as well as increase your sales resulting to profit.

It takes money to make money, while there are some methods that are basically low cost or free, using a marketing service such as what Yahoo/Overture offers will provide results faster and on a larger scale. Many businesses have learned this the hard way, don’t be counted with them.

For those who do not know, parole is a program that is used to allow criminal offenders early release from the prison system. It is designed to reflect prolonged periods of 'good behavior' and reform and rehabilitation, although it has come under a great deal of criticism at many different levels for allowing criminals to roam free before serving their time. Parolee's are not given a free pass into public however; a parole officer monitors them at all times during their free time to ensure their behavior is appropriate and to ensure no further criminal activity is being undertaken. The parole officer is essence acts as the guards did in prison monitoring the behavior and movements of the offenders, with the difference being that the offender is allowed to integrate back into society on a graduated basis to avoid the chance of reoffending and any potential danger to the public. In this article, we will look at some of the key arguments for and against parole as a method of rehabilitating and reintegrating prisoners back into society.

Some argue that releasing inmates early is a hazard to the safety of society. Others argue that there should be stricter guidelines in place to determine, who is eligible for parole. This has been a very touchy issue with several states in setting up specific guidelines that determine parole eligibility. Many victims are upset to find out that their attacker is eligible for parole; this causes great stress to the victims who were already attacked once and now feels as if they are being attacked again. Although this is clearly an understandable situation, it is also naturally important to consider the rights of the prisoner, and to reflect true reform and rehabilitation in a steady and progressive manner, thus ensuring they manage to find their way back into society after serving time without facing too many problems.

Many states toss the responsibility of the parole board between the District Attorney's office, the Corrections Department, and the Judicial Department. Each department handles the topic of parole quite differently. They each tend to have different standards of what is acceptable eligibility, and what is not. What happens is many times someone is released onto parole that should have never been permitted release.

How does the release off offenders who are not parole material affect society? It tends to affect society by being directly responsible for rises in crime rates. Many of those who are released onto parole are people who society as a whole should be protected from. Many wonder, how do dangerous people actually manage to be granted parole.

Many do not realize that sometimes there is no specific criterion for determining parole eligibility. Some states determine parole eligibility once the prisons are over filled. They start looking to release inmates on parole once they have too many inmates, which means it is not a very careful selection process to select the inmates released.

There are some good benefits to parole; such as being able to release inmates who have served the majority of their sentence and show no signs of being repeat offenders. There are many who learned their lessons and emerge from the prisons with a goal of integrating into society and making themselves good standing members of society. Not all parolee's aim to commit crime again, there are some who use the early release as an opportunity to rebuild their lives, and those inmates have learned from their mistakes.

While the ideals of parole are seated in good intentions, there must be better standards of determining eligibility across the country to ensure the safety of society. Society and the inmates must both benefit from the decision to release inmates into the parole programs. With the correct supervision, many inmates make wonderful parole candidates, and the program should continue, but with good supervision, careful screening and a dedicated staff of parole officers.

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